September 8

If you’re looking for a fresh way to experience history, check out these six documentary films for an exciting opportunity to travel back in time without leaving your own house. Documentary films provide an incredibly captivating way to explore history and its complexities, informing audiences on overlooked topics as well as providing an eye-opening insight into events that would otherwise stay confined within the pages of textbooks. Plus, their heart-racing narratives make for a thrilling watch!

1. Hobson’s Choice – 1985

Commencing the series is the 1985 documentary ‘Hobson’s Choice’ – a powerful exploration of the 1981 urban riots across Britain. It shines light on oppositions of authority and intertwines interviews with political figures, as well as first person perspectives from victims of police brutality.

2. Vietnam Long Time Coming – 1999

“Vietnam Long Time Coming”, released in 1999, delves deep into the country’s complicated past and seeks to unfold its true history while focusing on one soldier’s amazing story that was never covered by public media outlets at the time.

3. 29 Palms – 2002

“29 Palms”, which came out in 2002, follows two women struggling against racial segregation in Los Angeles through archival footage and interviews with historians and activists. The gripping narrative chronicles their resilience against all odds.

4. Into Great Silence – 2005

“Into Great Silence” (2005) transports viewers back to 17th century France when monasteries still reigned supreme over vast territories by recounting the sacred journey of a monk grappling with communal life within one such enclave.

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5. Onward Together – 2009

“Onward Together”, released in 2009, further investigates racial issues faced by different communities living in Southern California during the early 2000s setting right up until today.

. By shedding light on racism still pervasive today, it presents harrowing yet inspiring accounts that capture how far we have come through perseverance despite oppressive barriers..

6 . Spanish Flu : The Forgotten Fallen – 2018

The award winning 2018 film , ‘Spanish Flu : The Forgotten Fallen’ delves into how world changed forever due to pandemic . It captures real life stories from personal archives alongside accounts By those affected at forefront of this historical reality openning up dialogue about necessary steps for our current pandemic situation . Furthermore , it emphasizes the need for global empathy whilst learning from this forgotten universal trauma .

This 6 documentaries will have viewers silently hooked onto their sofas as each film quickly but effectively transports them back throughout various times periods and continents ! With each piece having a singularly positivity inspiring tones bound together strongly through compassion , investigating these heart racing documentaries is one perfect weekend plan guaranteed find audience wanting more after their screes time ends !